Finally, Victoria Beckham has become honest and humble. We kid you not!
'It became very obvious from the start that I was never going to be the best singer or dancer or actress. I was never a natural. I've never been that good at anything, to be completely honest.'
Argh, we're having trouble with this. How do you take the piss out of someone when they are being so down on themselves. We agree with everything she's saying but we're finding it hard not to feel sorry for her. What is this new emotion Celebritish is feeling? Sympathy, you say? We're suddenly very queazy, can someone open a window?
'People would push me around, say they were going to beat me up after school, chase me. It was miserable, my whole schooling, miserable. They were literally picking stones up out of puddles and throwing them at me.'
Oh god, we can't bear it, who would have thought we could ever feel sorry for Posh? We're going for a lie down.
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