The tension had been building for the past week: "how can they top the OK! Christmas party which featured ex-Big Brother stars and the like?". But Richard Desmond knew what to do - pull out the big guns! (erm, and some ex-Big Brother stars)
Remarkably, pop-siblings Same Difference managed to tear themselves apart long enough to stumble up the red carpet looking like embarassed foxes caught mid-coitus.

Next up was glamour model Alicia Douvall who looked like Popeye chewing on a wasp but didn't let that detract from her beautiful gold dress. Who said gold was last season?

Another star of X-Factor arrived next, Niki Evans (the one who could sing but stood no chance of winning because the public like to vote for cunts). She obviously isn't spending any of her new found fortune on clothes, it looks like she borrowed them from Michelle McManus.

Nikki Grahame waltzed up the red carpet next, clearly thrilled at the propect of free canapes. She likes her food that Grahame.

The best was saved til last as Samanda arrived, resplendant in haute couture dresses. The girls have propelled themselves from z-list to y-list over the last 6 months and for that we salute them.

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