Another day of unflattering pictures for Robbie Williams (yet again, due to copyright reasons we can't bring you the real picture).
We thought we'd analyse the story from "Gordon Smart's Bizarre" in The Sun this morning and assess how the new editor is getting on:
Even Celebritish managed to construct a better headline. Could do better.
"ROBBIE WILLIAMS might have a cheeky wee wriggler on his arm but she has done nothing for his dress sense."
To put this into context, Robbie is accompanied by a lady in the picture. We don't understand the connection between Robbie and fishing, perhaps he's been listening to Ashanti? (A shanty, like a sea shanty, like the fishermen sing?... sod ya then)
"Or maybe American soap actress AYDA FIELD likes going out with hairy tramps to make her look better?"
Get you, Gordon!
"Robbie once said he wore three-quarter length jackets to make him look slimmer. But dressing as the Michelin Man in this padded jacket does the fella no favours either."
It seems like they're desperately foraging through press cuttings to bulk up the story now. Celebritish would never do such a thing.
"It must have been so cold when he went out to buy half a pound of the country’s finest mushrooms that he added an extra layer to keep warm."
Sounds like Gordon has been hitting the mushrooms himself! What is he going on about?
"Never mind Rudebox, Robbie looks like he’s been living in a cardboard box."
Hooray! He finishes of with a joke that actually vaguely works!
Just to recap, a lame headline, surreal story, bad jokes, desperation. Yes this is Celebritish at its best.
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